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The Coalition of Neighbourhood Houses Capital Region is a collaborative made up of neighbourhood based not-for-profit organizations that offer a continuum of supports and services to children and youth, individuals, families and seniors across the capital region of British Columbia.


Neighbourhood Houses (NH) are committed to a local service delivery model that ensures families are able to access programs within their local neighbourhoods, or nearby communities. Their programs and services reflect the specific needs of the communities they serve and are offered in accessible neighbourhood locations.


NH services focus primarily on prevention and early intervention supports. However, in recent years the growing demand for services to address complex individual and family needs has required the development of further intensive intervention services. Prevention and intervention supports are provided along the life-span from prenatal services, early childhood to school age, to youth, adults and seniors. The service delivery model allows for individuals and families to connect with supports at different levels as needed. Most individuals and families participate in more than one service or program, more than once per week and over a number of years.

Copyright 2018 Coalition of Neighbourhood Houses Capital Region

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 Website Developed by Beatrice Toner

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